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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Grants Pass Museum of Art


October, 2010
(August 31 - October 8)

American Watercolor Society
143rd Traveling Exhibition

The GPMA is one of only three west coast venues to offer this prestigious exhibit, featuring the juried work of 40 watercolorists. Special thanks to the shows sponsors: Carol Eaton Preston, Ed Morey - Redwood Nursery, Jennifer Murphy Trust, and the Oregon Arts Commission.

Grants Pass Museum of Art
229 SW G Street

>>Grants Pass Museum of Art Website <<


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posted 3:21 am UTC October 2, 2010 by
Al Good
Rogue Planet member since September 19, 2010

As a localist, this show puts me in a tough spot. None of the artists represented are even close to being local, as near as I can tell, but it's clearly the best art exhibit to hit Grants Pass in a long, long time. Of course it IS the A.W.S., and the pieces that are priced are about ten times as much as the best of the good-but-perhaps-not-quite-SO-good local art downstairs. But these days, who's buying? Nevertheless, a must see, so if you haven't seen it yet, go take a look!




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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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