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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Rogue Coffee Roasters


November, 2012

Michele Obrien
Wildlife Paintings

Happy Fall fellow Grants Passians! We are bundled up and serving the finest warm and cozy drinks for you.Come see this months showcase of talented local artists and musicians.

Featured on the walls... Michele Obrien - Wildlife Paintings, and Rogue Winterfest: featuring clients of Family Solutions, Kairos, and Options for Southern Oregon. This art is created by individuals struggling with mental illness often have difficulty expressing themselves in words. Visual art provides the opportunity for expression without having to use language. Clients benefit from the mere act of expression, deriving a sense of competence, self worth, and at times relief as they put forward thoughts and feelings through their art in a way that is safe and healing. Additionally, trained therapists can help the client discuss their expression and put words to what is represented by their piece. Art can be especially powerful for children, who due to their challenges haven’t developed cognitive or language skills.

Music will be our very own "3 Little Birds." featuring Aliana De Victoria on Guitar and Vocals, Victor Cheymouni on Percussion and Antonio Melendez on Guitar, Flute, Melodica and Vocals. Don’t miss this great trio of fun and uplifting music... Music from 6-9pm

Rogue Coffee Roasters
237 SW G Street



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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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