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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at In His Timeframe


March, 2013

Carol Smith
Landscapes & Waterscapes in Oil

We are proud to have Carol Smith as our featured artist. Carol spent her first thirty years in Montana where she became totally enraptured with the grandeur and beauty of the mountainous terrain. The following few summers were spent in the lake country of Northern Wisconsin and the winters at the ocean in Southern California. After moving to Northern California she started painting. Although she learned the techniques and enjoyed working in many mediums, she always comes back to the oils. Carol paints what she knows and loves: the ocean, the mountains and streams of the Pacific Northwest.

Carol says “I strive for each painting to elicit the feeling, the essence, of the scene so that each viewer can interpret the painting as it relates to his own desires and experiences.”

In His Timeframe
139 SW G Street


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
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