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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Gallery One


March, 2013

Robert Raikes
Along for The Ride

Gallery One's master wood carver will be featured on First Friday. Stop by and see him demonstrating from 6:30 to 8:30.

"After forty years working in wood, stone, clay and mixed media, sculpting is as natural to me as sitting and watching a sunset. It was not always that way. At the beginning it was mostly desire with a minimal amount of talent but as the walk proceeded, discovery blossomed into creativity, creativity into awareness, and awareness into a journey from where I see myself now, a leaf floating down a grand stream of beauty. I am along for the ride; I like where the current is taking me."

Gallery One
229-B SW G St.

>>Gallery One Website <<

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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
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* More art next month too!

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