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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Sandi's Candies


July, 2011

Philip Lehmberg
Metalmorphis - Where Steel and Art Collide

Limited by only his imagination, it has been said that Philip can weld anything from the break of dawn to a broken heart. Working with metal as his artistic medium, Lehmberg is a master at transforming steel into a fine art, through flame. His large 3-dimensional designs have ranged from mechanical windmills to replicas of WWI and WW2 biplanes and helicopters. Philip has just recently begun sculpting again professionally after an 11 year break. Join us in welcoming him back to our artist’s community!

Stop in this First Friday at Sandi’s Candies and Fudgery for two sweet treats – Sandi’s Chocolates and Metalmorphis’ unique, hand made metal eye candy. REMINDER: Every Friday is Cupcake Friday at Sandi’s Candies, featuring delicious cupcakes from Yummy Tummy Bakery and Catering. This Friday our Featured Flavor is Chocolate Kahlua Cupcakes! Stop in and try one.

Sandi's Candies
145 SW G Street


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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