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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Sandi's Candies


February, 2012

Bonnie's Bling
Fused Dichroic Glass Jewelry

Sandi’s Candies & Fudgery has all your Valentine goodies in one spot! Stop by and check out our new line of Yummy Tummy Bakery items, along with all our great Valentine chocolates and gifts.

This First Friday we will feature a unique jewelry artist, Bonnie’s Bling. Bonnie has beautiful hand crafted Fused Dichroic Glass jewelry pieces and accessories. Her pieces are truly wearable art. Need something unique for your Valentine? Stop in First Friday and check out the jewelry, chocolates and bakery items.

We will also be selling tickets to the Guy’s Night Out event happening at Feb 8 at Joe’s Bar and Grill. Ticket price include dinner, drinks and door prizes. The Strawberries are coming!

The Strawberries are coming! We will once again bring back our fabulous chocolate dipped strawberries, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Sandi’s Candies & Fudgery has teamed forces with Yummy Tummy Bakery & Catering to offer you a full line of sweet treats at one stop. Whether you are in the mood for a cookie, a cupcake, fudge, a truffle or chocolate, we have it all! We are Grants Pass’ one-stop sweet shop!

Sandi's Candies
145 SW G Street


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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