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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Grants Pass Library


December, 2010

Five Volunteers
Josephine County Library Volunteers' Exhibit

  • Elizabeth Adfit recently moved here from Arizona where she was a teacher, and has been painting in acrylics for years. Along with her impressionistic watercolors she will also show her oil paintings.
  • Jane Clark has been painting for six years and will show watercolors of natural arrangements.
  • Marcia Cottrill will also show her watercolor paintings.
  • Bonnie Johnson will exhibit some of her large acryli paintings.
  • Finally, the extraordinary handmade furniture of Doug Walker, the talented president of JCL.

Music will be open mic hosted by Kevin Widdison. All musicians, poets, and other performing artists are welcome.

Grants Pass Library
200 NW C St


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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