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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at The Wiseman Gallery


August, 2012
(July 9 - August 30)

23 National Artists
"Seen / Unseen"

A juried photography exhibit that features the distinctly individual visions of 23 artists from around the nation. Selected artists are David Borawski, Julie Chase, Nancy Floyd, Angela Franks Wells, Kara French, Sarah Gruver, Brian Harmon, Andrea Hoelscher, Daniel Kariko, Klaus Knoll, Dave Kube, Andrzej Maciejewski, Helen Maringer, Andy Mattern, Dan McCormak, Leighton McWilliams, Joshua Roller, Kris Sanford, Meredith Smith, Carly Swenson, Whitney Warne, and Jimmy Wilson. Work by the Southern Oregon Woodturners group will be on display in the Annex, Wiseman Gallery.

The Wiseman Gallery
3345 Redwood Highway


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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