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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at The Redwood Tower


August, 2012

Artist To Be Arranged
Three Authors

Come meet and talk with fiction Authors Cynthia Rogan, Robynn Sheahan and Russell Turney at The Downtown Bookstore, Grants Pass, First Friday, August 3rd 6pm to 9pm. Purchase signed copies of their latest books:

Cynthia Rogan Symphony of Dreams Most of us ache for the opportunity to shine at the gift we’re born with. Symphony Weber wants to give hers back.

Robynn Sheahan Storm or Arranon A forbidden birth. A remarkable young woman. A marauding alien society. The battle begins.

Russell Turney The Watchers Déjà vu has a face! Two inter-dimensional beings battle for control of an experimental device capable of destroying the entire universe.

Become immersed in adventure and suspense. Experience the exciting, challenging lives of our literary heroes, Symphony, Erynn, Ian, and Gaia.

The Redwood Tower
306 NW 6th Street



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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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