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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Chuck King Jewelers


August, 2012

Margaret Valvo

Margaret grew up on the pine barrens and sandy beaches of southern New Jersey. She studied art history at Wilson College in Pennsylvania. In 1967 she moved to Rhode Island where she started her family, raced sailboats, taught preschool, and studied special education at Rhode Island College. In 1978 she moved to Boulder, Colorado where she taught special needs children and later studied and taught cultural anthropology at the University of Colorado. In 1998 she left “city life” to raise alpacas on a ranch in Fort Collins. She moved to Grants Pass in 2004 and took up watercolor in 2010.

This watercolor exhibit represents Margaret’s progression from her beginning realism, illustrated by a series of World War II planes done for her grandson Tyler; and continues through a loosening of her style in floral, still life and coastal scenes. Freedom and flow are evident as she now moves into abstraction, in her “Cosmic Wave” and “Matrix’ series, which explores the creation and manifestation of life forms from the “ground” of potential.

Chuck King Jewelers
221 SE 6th St


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