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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Heartsong


August, 2012

Paul Showalter
The Exact Opposite!

Come meet a guy that "dreams up paintings while he works, and works up dreams while he paints." Paul Showalter has dedicated his life to natural resource and land management. Paul is also an accomplished carpenter, wood carver, furniture maker, watercolor, and pen-and-ink artist. His passion about natural resources is reflected in his art. He revels in teaching children the value of nature and sustainable land use through art and hands-on experiences.

Paul's unique style resembles a hybrid between Impressionist and Pacific Northwest Native American art, infused with a constant denominator of bold, brilliant, inviting color combinations. His technique is un-arguably distinct, and he describes it as “the exact opposite of what they tried to teach me in Art school!”

224 SW 6th St


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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
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* More art next month too!

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