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First Friday Art Night!
  This Month at Evangel Parable Christian Bookstore


August, 2012

Jack & Judy Kendall
A Journey Through Nature

Come and join us at Evangel Christian Bookstore this First Friday in August for a fun time. We will be presenting Jack and Judy Kendall with "A Journey Through Nature". Jack was born in Michigan and came to Grants Pass sixteen years ago by way of Washington State. Initially, their interest was to record surrounding beauty just for personal enjoyment, but over time it became a way of sharing with friends who were at a distance. They soon realized that there might be others who would enjoy the beauty they had come to enjoy so much.

They will be displaying both prints and greeting cards featuring some of the incredible natural beauty that is so abundant in our area of the Northwest.

Also joining us will be Roman Watson and his band. They are a great group of guys who are on the worship team at Edgewater Christian Fellowship. They will be entertaining us with wonderful praise and worship music.

Evangel Parable Christian Bookstore
201 SE 6th St.



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* In Grants Pass, most "First Friday" art exhibits continue to be
  displayed all month long, so come back often and enjoy!

* More art next month too!

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