An unusual combination:
less crowded AND more shade, at the east end of the park, stage left.
Local Links First
Friday Art Night Information, Maps, and Gallery Guide Saturday
Artisan & Crafters Market in Downtown Grants Pass Antiques
Shopping Guide & maps to Grants Pass & Josephine County Boatnik
Slideshows: Parade, Carnival & Hydroplane Races! Rogue
River Trail
Outdoor Recreation Hiking, Camping, Rafting
Wilson &
Kick off Back to the Fifties CelebrationIt's
official! Back to the Fifties is underway in Grants Pass, this year as
every year on the Tuesday before the last Saturday in July, beginning with an
evening of oldies in Riverside Park. We're talking about classic 1950s Rock
& Roll, masterfully delivered by Gayle Wilson and her backup band, Sh-Boom. The
crowd was enormous--easily the largest for any concert held in
the park this year. There must have been a thousand of us
there. This
is the fourth in a summer-long series of Concerts in the Park,
performed every Tuesday night and free to the public, although it is requested
that a food donation be brought for the Josephine County Food Bank.
Besides the JCFB, several other local organizations have canopied booths set
up, many
selling food and beverages to
those who forgot to pack a picnic basket. Gigantic
inflatable amusements are also available for the children to
play in, on and around. This week it was a big bouncy
castle. A few weeks ago it was a giant alligator.
Next week is anyone's guess...
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